Activists' view of journalism




journalism, climate change, engagement, reception study, activists


This article analyzes Brazilian activists' perceptions of climate coverage and its contribution to social mobilization. Considering the reach and credibility associated with journalism, as well as its mediation role between science, politics and society, virtual focus groups (Gatti, 2005) were held with activists, aged up to 35 years, from the five regions of the country, for discussion on the articulations between engagement and climate journalism. The answers were categorized based on their recurrence and adherence to the literature in the area, through on Content Analysis (Bardin, 1979). The results reveal that activists observe distance from the agenda with people's daily lives, difficulty in understanding scientific terms, lack of presentation of solutions, but also those responsible for the climate crisis; and claim more space for those who already experience the effects and/or act locally in alternatives to confront them. In addition, they claim that this is already done in some specialized and alternative vehicles, but that the hegemonic press must participate in this process.


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Author Biography

Eloisa Beling Loose, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul

Pesquisadora e professora da Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul. Doutora em Comunicação e em Meio Ambiente e Desenvolvimento. Vice-líder do Grupo de Pesquisa Jornalismo Ambiental (CNPq/UFRGS).


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How to Cite

Beling Loose, E., Fante, E. M., Maldaner Jacobi, C., & Thiesen, L. J. . (2022). CAN CLIMATE COVERAGE LEAD TO ACTION? Activists’ view of journalism. Human Sciences Journal - RCH, 15(3).